Children's clothing for eczema & psoriasis
Psoriasis or atopic dermatitis / eczema in the genital and anal region can be especially hard for kids, and not only in physical terms. Aside from constant itching and inflammation, it is also associated with major emotional strain. Everyday life becomes torture, and work performance may suffer. Boxer shorts made from “skin active” material bring you numerous benefits:
- No labels and seams on the inside;
- Very gentle material to avoid additional irritation;
- Soft and gliding on the skin;
- Actively breathing material for a pleasant wearing sensation;
- Extreme comfort and nonetheless attractive design.
Psoriasis or atopic dermatitis / eczema in the genital region can be very impairing your kid's quality of life. This is not really necessary, since boxer shorts made from “skin active” fabric gives your kid the ability to get back some of the comfort which is natural for most people.
Avoid unpleasant everyday situations and look forward to hours in which your kid does not even notice his / her psoriasis or atopic dermatitis / eczema! Everyone should be able to do that!
Made of

Creams or ointments do not penetrate the Tepso clothing - Pleasant cooling skin sensation - Adapts to your body beautifully - Enhanced durability. Order now!